Every year World Breastfeeding Week is celebrated in Croatia, and to commemorate this year’s theme ‘Sustaining breastfeeding together’, Cochrane Croatia took on the challenge of translating Cochrane’s Special Collection on Breastfeeding.
Volunteers from Cochrane Croatia and their partner organisation, Croatia Association of Lactation Consultants, translated all 19 Cochrane Plain Language Summaries in the ‘Enabling breastfeeding for mothers and babies’ Special Collection. This Cochrane Special Collection has been developed to bring the best available evidence on effective care to the attention of decision makers, health professionals, advocacy groups, and women and families, and to support the implementation of evidence-informed policy and practice. The collection focuses on reviews on support and care for breastfeeding women, including treatment of breastfeeding associated problems; health promotion and an enabling environment; and breastfeeding babies with additional needs.
To raise awareness of the availability of translated Cochrane evidence, Cochrane Croatia Co-Director, Irena Zakarija-Grković, presented Cochrane’s Special Breastfeeding Collection to over 120 health professionals at the 5th Annual Croatian Breastfeeding Symposium, held recently in Zagreb, in addition to the maternity staff of the University Hospital of Split.
Understanding the importance of familiarising women and families about Cochrane evidence, Cochrane Croatia Co-Director, Irena Zakarija-Grković, also presented to a group of mothers and pregnant women at the Spilt City Library during World Breastfeeding Week.