Lund University working paper illustrates how to integrate Cochrane Interactive Learning to deliver relevant evidence-based medicine learning objectives

Lund University working paper illustrates how to integrate Cochrane Interactive Learning to deliver relevant evidence-based medicine learning objectives

In the Medical Degree Program at Lund University, Sweden, a new Scientific Scholarship theme has been implemented, including evidence-based medicine (EBM), as the application of scientific scholarship in EBM is a core aspect of medical education. Throughout the program, scientific scholarship and EBM are supported by multifaceted learning activities and structured assessment, ensuring that students work continuously and iteratively with these concepts. The theme also makes use of e-learning for written assignments and of Cochrane Interactive Learning modules together with locally developed e-lectures.

Lead author, Maria Björklund, Librarian at the Faculty of Medicine, reported “the Cochrane Interactive Learning modules cover the process of how to conduct a systematic review, from formulating a question to finding, assessing and summarising evidence from studies. Each module contains videos, quizzes and exercises and an assessment that generates a certificate. Students upload their certificates to the university’s learning management system as part of the formal course assessment. The modules’ contents are of high quality, the level is challenging and requires students to be engaged. The assessment tasks and modules can be revisited, which gives opportunity for repetition. The methodology of conducting a systematic review contains many elements that are necessary to master also for other evidence-based work relevant to students in their role as future physicians, such as clinical guideline development. Therefore, the Cochrane Interactive Learning modules were considered highly relevant to integrate in the Scientific Scholarship theme.”

She concluded, “our implementation of the Cochrane Interactive Learning modules where they match the learning objectives is successful, in line with previous findings. Together with locally developed e-lectures and specialized library support students get additional context and examples. Collaboration with an evidence expert organization, such as Cochrane, give students authentic and international context together with an understanding of the importance of systematic reviews in EBM. This has led to a significant increase in the number of students performing a systematic review as their master thesis.”

Tips from Lund University

  • To help embedding the Cochrane interactive Learning modules in courses it’s good if the learning outcomes of the course match the Cochrane module.
  • It will also help if you plan to use the Cochrane modules as part of the  overall course assessment.
  • If needed, the modules can be studied and used over several semesters.
  • If students are new to systematic reviews, it’s good to give them context, perhaps with other locally developed learning activities explaining the methodology of systematic reviews.
  • Invite people to collaborate in using Cochrane Interactive Learning - librarians, teachers, clinicians - to help students get many examples and situations where the Cochrane modules can be used.

Chris Watts, Cochrane’s Learning Manager added “It’s fantastic to see our Cochrane Interactive Learning modules used in this way. We have designed the suite of modules so that, as well as being used by individuals as standalone, self-directed learning, they can also be adopted by trainers to use as part of blended learning approaches. The modular design and clear learning outcomes for the modules helps trainers to select and integrate Cochrane Interactive Learning into their learning programmes. The work at Lund is an excellent example of that, and we’re keen to encourage others to do the same or share their experiences of doing so with us.”

Contact the Learning Team about using the Cochrane Interactive Learning modules as part of your blended learning training, via

Learning progression from basic scientific scholarship to evidence-based medicine: a multimodal approach. Björklund, Maria; Perez, Maria Thereza; Regnér, Sara; Garwicz, Martin. Lund: Faculty of Medicine, Lund University, 2020. Research output : Working paper

Friday, March 26, 2021