This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (intervention). The objectives are as follows:
To determine the safety and efficacy of probiotics supplementation in preventing hyperbilirubinaemia among late preterm (born at gestational age (GA) 34 weeks to 36 weeks and six days) and term neonates (≥ 37 weeks)
To determine the safety and efficacy of probiotics supplementation in treating hyperbilirubinaemia among late preterm (born at 34 weeks to 36 weeks and six days) and term neonates (≥ 37 weeks)
Subgroup analyses will include gestational age at birth (term vs late preterm), cause of jaundice (haemolytic vs non-haemolytic jaundice), mode of feeding at the time of enrolment (exclusive breastfeeding vs mixed feeding/formula feeding), and types of probiotics used.
This is a protocol.