This recently published Cochrane Review, published by Cochrane Effective Practice and Organisation of Care, explores how parents and carers make decisions regarding vaccinating their children. Cochrane EPOC have also produced a short implementation guide related to this review.
Key messages
Many factors influence parents’ vaccination views and...
27 October 2021
22 October 2021
21 October 2021
Is colchicine an effective treatment for people with COVID-19?
Colchicine was debated to be a potential treatment option for COVID-19, hoping that the medication’s anti-inflammatory properties could prevent or reduce a dysregulated immune response.Although there are completed studies without publication and diverse ongoing studies that could...
18 October 2021
In this interview with Doctoral Researcher Rebecca Dean and Professor Andrea Cipriani we learn more about two reviews investigating the use of ketamine as a treatment for depression recently published through Cochrane’s Common Mental Disorders Group. Tell us about this Cochrane ReviewThis review is an update of a Cochrane review published in 2015...
11 October 2021
In this interview with Jill Hayden we learn how this review, one of Cochrane’s largest reviews published to date, has led to new ways of working collaboratively and with an increased focus on research integrity. An ongoing update of this review will bring five related Cochrane reviews together into one. You have just completed the Cochrane review...
28 September 2021
A recently published Cochrane review explores what measures can be taken in long-term care facilities to prevent COVID-19 outbreaks. Can non-medicinal measures prevent or reduce SARS-CoV-2 infections in long term care facilities?Key messages
Non-medicinal measures (e.g. visiting restrictions or regular testing) may prevent SARS-CoV-2 infections (...
15 September 2021
In this author interview with Stephanie Weibel and Maria Popp, we find out more about their Cochrane review, Ivermectin for treating and preventing COVID-19. The review currently has an Altmetric Attention Score of more than 7000, which makes it the most talked-about review in the history of the Cochrane Library.Briefly, what is Ivermectin?...
14 September 2021
'SARS‐CoV‐2‐neutralising monoclonal antibodies for treatment of COVID‐19' from Cochrane Haematology published today in the Cochrane Library.
Key messages
We do not know whether antibodies (the body’s natural defence against disease) made in a laboratory and all the same as one another (monoclonal) and designed to target COVID-19, are an...
2 September 2021
24 August 2021