Implementation of structured telephone support and non-invasive home telemonitoring should be considered an evidence-based strategy to improve the quality of care and outcomes for people with heart failureIn the context of limited health funding and a rapidly expanding population of older people, it is increasingly difficult for healthcare systems...
16 November 2015
A new Cochrane Review published today shows that when doctors and patients are encouraged to discuss the need for prescribing antibiotics for acute respiratory infections jointly, fewer are prescribed. This may be useful in the fight against antibiotic resistance.Shared decision making between clinicians and patients is an important part of...
12 November 2015
Featured Review: Chemotherapy for advanced non-small cell lung cancer in the elderly populationSurvival, harm, and quality of life included in comparison of chemotherapy Worldwide, lung cancer is the commonest cause of cancer-related death among individuals of both sexes. For patients with advanced disease, chemotherapy regimens based on the...
2 November 2015
Featured Review: Interventions to improve water quality for preventing diarrhoeaInterventions at point-of-use important interim measures to improve drinking water quality Contaminated water is a major cause of diarrhoea worldwide, especially among young children in low- and middle-income countries. In these settings, water often has to be...
30 October 2015
Alongside its benefits, one of the unwelcome outcomes of exercise can be sore muscles. Ways to prevent or treat muscle soreness can form an important part of training regimens for athletes, whether they are professional or amateur. One recent therapy that is growing in use is whole-body cryotherapy (WBC). This involves single or repeated exposures...
27 October 2015
Media release from the University of Cambridge and Cochrane
Larger-sized portions, packages and tableware lead to higher consumption of food and drink, Cochrane review finds
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A new review has produced the most conclusive evidence to date that people consume more food or non-...
23 October 2015
Training healthcare providers in neonatal resuscitation improves neonatal outcomes One in ten newborn requires some resuscitative efforts at birth when signs of breathing or a heartbeat are not detected. In 2000, approximately four million newborn infants died in the first four weeks of life worldwide, with almost half of these deaths occurring on...
26 September 2015
Interventions for bronchiectasis: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviewsReview gives starting point in reducing uncertainly in treating chronic wet coughs.Bronchiectasis is a long-term respiratory disease characterized by abnormal dilatation of the bronchi; it is commonly associated with a troublesome cough with mucous or chronic wet cough in...
31 July 2015
Press Release: Strictly Embargoed Until 00.01 Hours (BST), Wednesday, July 22, 2015[19.01 Hours US Eastern Time, July 21 / 09.01 Hours Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST), July 22]Media contacts: Wiley: Evelyn Martinez (US): +1 201 748 6358+1 201 748 6358sciencenewsroom@wiley.com Cochrane LibraryCochrane Press Office: Jo Anthony (UK): +44 (0)...
30 July 2015
Press release issued by the London School of Hygiene & Tropical MedicineEmbargoed to 00.05 BST [UK time] on Thursday 23 July 2015Deworming children may not improve school attendance and the evidence that informs international policy needs to be re-appraised following a major re-analysis by researchers at the London School of Hygiene &...
22 July 2015