I am delighted to announce that Karla Soares Weiser has been appointed as Cochrane’s Deputy Editor in Chief. This newly created post will combine leadership roles within the Cochrane Editorial Unit (CEU) and Cochrane Innovations, helping me to ensure that the CEU can deliver on its targets and projects, and supporting Charlotte Pestridge, the CEO of Cochrane Innovations, by leading the editorial development of new business products and services for Cochrane. Karla is leaving her current role as Managing Director of Enhance Reviews Ltd to enable her to work full time for Cochrane.
Karla is exceptionally well qualified to succeed in this challenging role. She has been an active part of the Cochrane community for many years, since arriving in Oxford to undertake her Ph.D under the supervision of Professor Clive Adams. She has worked with 12 Cochrane Review Groups (CRGs) in total, and been an editor for diagnostic test accuracy reviews within the Schizophrenia Group. She is an author on more than 20 Cochrane Reviews, and has contributed to Cochrane in many other ways, including most recently as one of the leadership team of the Targeted Updates project. She also brings entrepreneurial skills gained through her work in building and developing her own business.
I hope that you will join me in welcoming Karla into this new and important role within Cochrane, and I look forward to working with her once she begins in post on 7 September 2015.
Dr David Tovey FRCGP
Editor in Chief, The Cochrane Library, and Deputy Chief Executive Officer