A round-up of selected recent coverage citing, discussing, and presenting health evidence - updated throughout the month. New Statesman blog post 'Eat yourself happy' mentions Cochrane Nordic's review on antidepressants and suicide. The Spectator examines Cochrane 'robust evidence' on yoga and back pain. Cochrane Review shows Aspirin for frequent episodic tension-type headache has limited evidence in The BMJ. Read the Cochrane Transform team’s post on the Croakey News blog about improving review production systems through collaborative networks and technology. New commentary in JAMA Internal Medicine from Cochrane contributors Lisa Bero and Ray Moynihan on "Toward a healthier patient voice: more independence, less industry funding". The Australian Doctor cites a Cochrane Review in their report on yoga for chronic low back pain. Brazil newspaper reports on how the Federal Court of in Brazil will be using Cochrane Library to inform decisions and Cochrane Brazil will be training legislators. UK Secretary of State for Health cites Cochrane Review. Cochrane referenced in Dentistry round table event and in Dentistry magazine. Friday, January 27, 2017