Cochrane’s partnership with WHO renewed at the 156th Executive Board

We are pleased to announce that earlier this week, Cochrane’s status as a non-State actor (NSA) in official relations with the World Health Organization (WHO) was renewed at the 156th session of the WHO Executive Board meeting in Geneva.

The Executive Board is composed of 34 technically qualified representatives from different Member States, elected for three-year terms. Every year, the Executive Board meets at WHO headquarters to discuss global health priorities for the year ahead and sets the agenda for the World Health Assembly.

The renewal of our official relations status is underpinned by a new joint plan of work for the next three years, which focuses on providing WHO with evidence syntheses that will help inform guidelines, the essential medicines list, methodological assistance and training, supporting activities that facilitate the use of evidence in policymaking at country, regional and global levels, alongside other technical assistance.

This official relation status also enables us to join and make statements at key WHO meetings as a non-voting participant. This includes the World Health Assembly (WHA), WHO’s decision-making body, which is attended by representatives of all Member States, and is a key forum to advocate for evidence-informed health policies and resolutions.

Cochrane was represented at this year’s Executive Board meeting by Governing Board member, Emma Persad; CEO, Catherine Spencer; and Advocacy and Partnerships Officer, Mariam Salman.

The session began with an opening statement by Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General. He highlighted the key achievements of the past 12 months and welcomed the adoption of the Fourteenth General Programme Of Work (GPW14), which Cochrane were invited to consult on through our NSA in official relations status.

He mentioned that maternal health is the theme for World Health Day this year and that although we have made progress on maternal and child mortality, we still have a long way to go to reach the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The Director-General also applauded Science Division, stating that its normative and standard-setting function is helping ensure that Member States are given the highest quality, evidence-based advice as fast as possible.

As part of the discussions, Cochrane submitted a statement to the Executive Board for consideration. Our statement supported the adoption of a draft resolution on strengthening national capacities in evidence-based decision making, as well as advocating for the production of high-quality evidence.  The full statement can be read below:

“Honorable Chair, Esteemed Delegates,

For over 30 years, the Cochrane Collaboration has been at the forefront of improving global health and life expectancy. We produce high-quality and trusted synthesized evidence to inform health decision making.

In a dramatically changing world with overlapping global health challenges, this is more vital now than ever.

We therefore urge Member States to adopt the Resolution titled “Strengthening national capacities in evidence-based decision making for the uptake and impact of norms and standards

We also acknowledge that in order to ensure the production of high-quality evidence, the relevant WHO departments need core, recurrent funding for this essential function to continue its impact on a country-level.

We are pleased to see the alignment between WHO’s priorities and the Cochrane Collaboration’s Scientific Strategy, and express our sincerest gratitude and support in our ongoing engagement.”

Thursday, February 13, 2025