Register for the 'A day with... Statistics Methods Group’ which is taking place on 11 May 2021.
This is part of a series of virtual events from Cochrane Training for anyone interested in systematic review methodology and the work of Cochrane Methods Groups. Whether you are new to systematic review methodology or an advanced-level learner, these virtual events will be an opportunity for you to meet and learn from colleagues from different Methods Groups, with a variety of online events happening throughout the day.
This all-day event will highlight the Cochrane Statistics Methods Group and methods and issues around heterogeneity. There will be presentations from early career researchers and a virtual 'get-to-know-you' networking session. You can register for a session on the latest methodological developments, pose a challenging methods question for one of our experts, explore some of the free learning that is available, or take part in Twitter chats using #adaywithCochraneSMG.