Get ready for #GES2024: Top tips from the Cochrane Community

GES 2024 attendee

Cochrane, JBI, Guidelines International Network (GIN), and The Campbell Collaboration are hosting the second Global Evidence Summit (GES) in the historic city of Prague from 10 to 13 September 2024. The summit serves as a platform for professionals from diverse sectors, including health, education, social justice, environment, and climate change, to engage in crucial discussions aimed at informing policy and practice through evidence. The countdown has begun, but there is still time to register.

To ensure you make the most out of the GES, we've gathered a selection of insights and suggestions from members of the Cochrane community. These tips will guide you through multiple days of intense engagement, helping you maintain your well-being, enthusiasm, and collaborative spirit throughout the event. Have other suggestions? Let us know by using the hashtag #GES2024 on social media.

Top tips from the Cochrane Community

1. Understand that the GES isn't just another Colloquium
The GES is a unique gathering that brings together professionals from various fields. It’s an opportunity to learn about the broader environment and how Cochrane's work fits into that. Take the opportunity of the GES to immerse yourself in this diverse event.

"Don't think of the GES as a "Colloquium+". It really is a different beast. Don't go expecting to do Cochrane business as you might at the colloquium and instead take the opportunity to learn more about the broader environment we operate in. Hopefully you'll be less "busy" but the experience will be even more intense."

- Gert van Valkenhoef, Denmark

"The topics at the GES go beyond health care, which makes it different than the Colloquia. The GES is a unique opportunity to share experiences with members and representatives of organisations with a similar mission to Cochrane's. Specifically, I remember a past GES workshop where there were trainers from Cochrane, Campbell, JBI, and GIN, which was really interesting and useful. The GES is a very diverse event!"

- Dario Sambunjak, Croatia

2. Get your elevator pitch ready! 
Prepare a short introduction ahead of time. This can be simple: two or three sentences about Cochrane and what we do, yourself, your role, what you are working on, and maybe what others can help you with if you have a goal in mind. 

"Having a clear and concise elevator pitch allows you to make the most of networking opportunities. It helps you introduce yourself with confidence and make a lasting impression. Your pitch is not just about introducing yourself but also about starting meaningful conversations that could lead to future collaborations."

- Ella Flemyng , UK

3. Download a business card app
Embrace the digital age by adopting a digital business card app. This eco-friendly option enables you to effortlessly exchange contact information, fostering future collaborations.

"When Cochrane attended the 76th World Health Assembly we used digital business cards. It was free, easy to set up, and was the main form of business cards that people were using. I hope our Cochrane community embraces digital business cards as an environmentally conscious choice and helps sets themselves up for future collaborations."

- Catherine Spencer, Cochrane CEO, UK

4. Be curious about other organizations 
Beyond catching up with colleagues and friends, this event is an opportunity to engage with newcomers interested in our work and potential future collaborators. Embrace the chance to expand your network and foster meaningful connections that could shape exciting collaborations. Stay open to new encounters and the possibilities they bring!

"Because it's a 'mixed' event there's an opportunity to find out more about the work of the other organisations involved. Although many of us need to devote a lot of our time to supporting, managing or presenting on Cochrane work and initiatives, I'd recommend attending a few plenaries, parallel sessions, and workshops that focus on the work of partner organisations. It’s an informative and rewarding experience!"

- Ruth Foxlee, UK

"My best advice: meet and talk to as many people as you can. The GES in South Africa attracted delegates from all over the world, and it was refreshing to speak with people who weren't involved with Cochrane at all, but still had an interest in evidence synthesis."

- Emma Axon, UK

5. Make the most of your time with smart scheduling
The GES is packed with diverse sessions, presentations, and networking opportunities. To get the most out of your time, carefully review the full schedule ahead of the event.  Prioritize the sessions that align with your goals but also be sure to leave some flexibility in your day for conversations and unplanned connections that often lead to future collaborations and the most memorable experiences.

"It's a big event, and you won't be able to go to everything and talk to everyone you might want to. Be realistic! I recommend that you spend a good bit of time beforehand going through the schedule, but do also try to leave some gaps for unplanned chats with people."

- Anna Noel-Storr, UK 

6. Represent Cochrane
Cochrane's  print-on-demand store offers an exciting range of items, including tote bags, t-shirts, and mugs, which you can choose to purchase for use during the conference.  Please note that these items will not be available for purchase at the GES itself and must be acquired in advance. If you have some Cochrane items in your closet, this is a great time to bring them out and recognize and connect with others from the community that will be there. 

"Cochrane has prioritized sustainability and the environment. Rather than traditional conference swag bags of items you'll never use again, we've taken an eco-conscious route by introducing a print-on-demand store. This not only reduces unnecessary waste but also ensures that people only get things they truly value and intend to use. I love my Cochrane t-shirt and mug and am excited to spot people from Cochrane who are wearing items at the GES."

- Sabrina Khamissa, UK

7. Harness the power of social media
While we're meeting in-person, you can also embrace the digital buzz by actively using the event's hashtag: #GES2024. Through social media, you can connect with other attendees, follow up with presenters, and share your insights with your followers.

"You can get ready for  the GES by announcing to everyone that you will be there. It's also good idea to let people know about your poster or presentation and when they can catch you - start getting connections and interest before the event starts! Once you're at the GES, be sure to use the official #GES2024 hashtag and share your highlights."

- Muriah Umoquit, Canada

8. Make your well-being a priority!
Cochrane recognizes that conferences can be busy and overwhelming at times. We want Cochrane attendees to have the opportunity to prioritize their well-being, while also engaging in some fun and social activities at the GES. Some people take a break by connecting with others and some people need time to themselves - do what's best for you to 

"My advice is to treat the GES like a marathon, and not a sprint. Every day will be busy, filled with sessions to attend, and people to meet, and it’s important to make the most of this opportunity. But it’s also important to pace yourself and give yourself permission to schedule in proper breaks each day. Take time out for yourself and enjoy the Anne Anderson Walk, or even take some time to go back to your hotel room - especially if it means you are then able to return to the main sessions refreshed and recharged!

- Nuala Livingstone, Northern Ireland

9. Follow up
The connections you make at the GES can be invaluable, but they require nurturing. Setting aside time for follow-ups is crucial. It’s not just about exchanging contacts but about building relationships that can lead to meaningful collaborations down the road.

"I always block out half a day in my schedule on the first days back from the conferences to dedicate to follow-up emails. Even if it is to say that it was nice to meet them and to share a resource or webpage that they might be interested in, this is important for solidifying relationships."

- Emma Thompson, US

Have other suggestions and tips? Let us know by using the hashtag #GES2024 on social media.

As you embark on your GES journey, we hope that these valuable tips will equip you with the knowledge and confidence to make the most of this enriching experience. We are looking forward to welcoming you to Prague! 

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Thursday, August 22, 2024