Extra-pulmonary tuberculosis (EPTB) accounts for about one-fifth of all cases of tuberculosis and is a major health burden in India - one that had previously had uncertainty surrounding diagnosis and management. In August India released INDEX-TB guidelines for diagnosis and management of extra-pulmonary tuberculosis (EPTB). This extensively peer-reviewed document gives health providers at primary and secondary care institutions better guidance for systematic management of EPTB.
INDEX-TB guidelines were developed over one and a half years, with involvement of a large number of experts from different organ system sub-specialties. The methodology support team comprised members from the Cochrane Infectious Diseases Group and Cochrane South Asia. "The rigorous, systematic methods, and the transparent and participatory approach used in developing the INDEX-TB guidelines has provided a template that future guideline-developers in India could use," says Dr. Prathap Tharyan, Director of Cochrane South Asia. "The enthusiasm among the participants during the guideline development process was encouraging and augers well for the future of guideline development in India."
Congratulations Cochrane South Asia and Cochrane Infectious Disease for contributing to an important guideline that will have a great impact!
Read more about the INDEX-TB guidelines