#MyCochrane merchandise

Showing Cochrane pride with branded tshirt

Embrace your geek chic and love for evidence-based healthcare with Cochrane merch!

Over the years, branded items have been printed out to celebrate Colloquia and special events and milestones. Many take pride in wearing and using something branded with the global organization they are a part of or use - and it was time for a refresh! 

The Cochrane Store brings designs that celebrate evidence-based healthcare, take pride in the rigger and quality of systematic reviews, and show the world you are a supporter of high-quality Cochrane evidence! All money from sales are reinvested in helping people get involved in Cochrane. 

The initial designs added to the store were created by science illustrator Science Scribbles. Dr. Lauren Callender says, "For this project, I particularly wanted to draw attention to the fact that Cochrane is very highly regarded by the scientific community. I hope I was able to visually depict this and that people will really love the designs!"

If you're looking for something with just the logo or an item with a bit of humour, we have mugs, t-shirts and totes that cover that! These are great for those that want to share their pride in using Cochrane reviews or their involvement in creating them. 

 We love seeing your Cochrane items 'out in the wild'! Share your photos using the hashtag #MyCochrane and to be sure we see them and give you credit email your picture to mumoquit@cochrane.org and let us know your Instagram or Twitter handle so we can give you credit! 


Wednesday, February 3, 2021