Our Colloquium is Cochrane's annual flagship event, bringing people together from around the world to discuss putting research into important global health questions and promoting evidence-informed health care. This year, almost 1300 people from 57 countries attended our Colloquium in Edinburgh, UK. The theme was ‘Cochrane for all - better evidence for better health decisions.’ It was a Patients Included event, co-designed, co-produced and co-presented by healthcare consumers, where everyone’s input is valued equally. It focused on key goals of Cochrane’s Strategy to 2020: producing evidence, making evidence accessible, and advocating for evidence.
We spoke to several consumers and patients attending the Cochrane Colloquium in Edinburgh – here are some of their highlights from the event:
- Learn more about consumer involvement in Cochrane
- Edinburgh Colloquium 2018: Round-Up
- Watch the video with Russian subtitles