The World Health Organization (WHO) is currently running two consultations which will shape the future of global clinical trials policy. We encourage the Cochrane Community to participate.
The surveys are being carried out following the passing of a resolution on ‘strengthening clinical trials to provide high-quality evidence on health interventions and to improve research quality and coordination’ at the World Health Assembly in May 2022.
Cochrane is submitting responses to both consultations at the central level. We also encourage members of our community who work with clinical trial data to also take part and share their perspectives.
Consultation 1: World Health Assembly Resolution on strengthening clinical trials
This survey requests input on implementation of the clinical trials resolution on a wide range of issues related to trials including data sharing, ensuring more representative trial populations, and planning and conducting trials in emergency circumstances. This is an opportunity to share examples of best practice and recommendations for improvement. The questions are available in PDF form here to help with preparing responses.
Consultation 2: WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform – draft guidance on reporting results in trial registries
This survey is a key opportunity to ensure that the reporting of results in clinical trial registries are fit for purpose. It concerns recommendations on the minimum elements of studies which should be reported. The questions are also available in PDF form here to help with prepare responses.
Both consultations close on 11 November 2022 – please consider participating.
If you are interested in finding out more about and contributing to Cochrane’s advocacy in this area, please write to Emma Thompson, Cochrane’s Advocacy and Partnerships Lead.