
What factors influence parents’ and carers’ decisions on routine vaccinations for their children?
What factors influence parents’ views and practices around routine childhood vaccines?
What factors influence the delivery of care by skilled birth attendants in low- and middle-income countries?
What happens if haloperidol treatment is discontinued for people with schizophrenia
What health evidence can we trust when we need it most?
What improves trial recruitment?
What interventions help to prevent or treat BK virus infection in kidney transplant recipients?
What interventions improve adherence to treatment in patients with high blood pressure in ambulatory settings
What interventions improve the accuracy and continuity of medication lists as patients move between healthcare providers and settings?
What interventions improve the control of high blood pressure
What interventions promote physical activity in people living with neuromuscular disease?
What is an infodemic and how can we prevent it?: a Lifeology and Cochrane collaboration
What is an infodemic and how can we prevent it?: a Lifeology and Cochrane collaboration (OLD)
What is Cochrane?
What is the accuracy of different combinations of ultrasound imaging and blood tests to diagnose ovarian cancer in women before and after the menopause?
What is the accuracy of different combinations of ultrasound imaging and blood tests to diagnose ovarian cancer in women before and after the menopause?
What is the best blood glucose target for pregnant women who have type 1 or type 2 diabetes before becoming pregnant?
What is the best first arch wire in a fixed orthodontic brace?
What is the best insulin type and regimen for pregnant women with pre-existing diabetes?
What is the best medication for a fungal infection of the toenail?
What is the best medication to stop bleeding in those having non-emergency hip or knee surgery?
What is the best medication to stop bleeding in those having non-emergency hip or knee surgery?
What is the best method for maintaining the correct position of teeth after orthodontic treatment?
What is the best method for rescuing clotted haemodialysis access?
What is the best nursing handover style to ensure continuity of information for hospital patients?
What is the best regimen of proton pump inhibitors for bleeding peptic ulcers?
What is the best sedative technique for patients undergoing endoscopic cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)?
What is the best surgical method for repairing tibial plateau fractures (breaks in the top end of the shin bone)
What is the best therapy for women who produce too many eggs when having fertility treatment?
What is the best timing technique for intrauterine insemination in subfertile couples
What is the best treatment for a type of jaw bone cyst called a 'keratocystic odontogenic tumour'?
What is the best treatment for children with crowded teeth?
What is the best treatment for itch in people with chronic kidney disease?
What is the best treatment to manage peritonitis in people on peritoneal dialysis?
What is the best way to close abdominal incisions following surgery?
What is the best way to ensure people with epilepsy take their medication as prescribed?
What is the best way to help people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease stop smoking?
What is the best way to place medicines directly into the eye to widen the pupil during cataract surgery?
What is the best way to support resilience and mental well-being in frontline healthcare professionals during and after a pandemic?
What is the best way to use nicotine replacement therapy to quit smoking?
What is the best way to use nicotine replacement therapy to quit smoking?
What is the best way to use nicotine replacement therapy to quit smoking?
What is the best way to use topical corticosteroids to treat people with eczema?
What is the best way to use topical corticosteroids to treat people with eczema?
What is the diagnostic accuracy of antibody tests for the detection of infection with the COVID-19 virus?
What is the diagnostic accuracy of computer-assisted diagnosis techniques for the detection of skin cancer in adults?
What is the diagnostic accuracy of laparoscopic staging following a CT scan for assessing whether pancreatic and periampullary cancer is resectable?
What is the diagnostic accuracy of optical coherence tomography (OCT), an imaging test, for the detection of skin cancer in adults?
What is the diagnostic accuracy of reflectance confocal microscopy for the detection of basal or squamous cell carcinoma of the skin in adults?
What is the diagnostic accuracy of teledermatology for the diagnosis of skin cancer in adults?
What is the diagnostic accuracy of the imaging test reflectance confocal microscopy (RCM) for the detection of melanoma in adults?
What is the difference between a Cochrane systematic review of interventions and a Cochrane diagnostic test accuracy review?
What is the effect of atorvastatin on testosterone and other hormone levels in men and women?
What is the effect of giving human albumin compared to saline to replace lost blood in critically ill or injured people
What is the effectiveness and safety of luteal support in infertile women trying to conceive by intrauterine insemination (IUI) or by sexual intercourse?
What is the evidence for benefit from leukotriene receptor antagonists in pre-school children who wheeze when they have a cold?
What is the evidence for stopping long-acting beta2-agonists for adults with stable asthma using combination therapy?
What is the evidence for the benefit and harms of anticoagulants for heart failure?
What is the evidence that 'microclots' cause the post-COVID-19 syndrome, and is removal using plasmapheresis justified?
What is the most effective and safe way to administer antibiotics to prevent infection for women undergoing caesarean section
What is the most effective blood sugar range to guide treatment for women who develop gestational diabetes mellitus in their pregnancy?
What is the most effective treatment for atypical haemolytic uraemic syndrome?
What is the most effective way to listen intermittently to the baby’s heart in labour to improve the baby’s well-being?
What is the performance of rapid tests for the diagnosis of strep throat in children?
What is the right amount of dialysate sodium for chronic haemodialysis?
What is the state of systematic reviews in 2016?
What is triple inhaled therapy, when is it used, and what does it do in asthma?
What is tuberculous pleurisy and how might corticosteroids work?
What medicines are best for people with narrowing of the carotid arteries (blood vessels that deliver oxygen-rich blood from the heart to the brain)?
What medicines, taken by mouth or given as an injection, work best to treat severe allergic eye disease in children and young people under 16 years old?
What proportion of preschool aged children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder retain their diagnosis one or more years later?
What surgical procedure works best to slow the progression of keratoconus (an eye disease)?
What tools exist to assess the presence of multiple risk factors for dementia in middle-aged people, and can they correctly predict future dementia?
What treatments can be used to prevent and treat alveolar osteitis (dry socket)? 
What treatments reduce the need for a blood transfusion in adults who have broken their hip?
What treatments work best for frostbite injuries?
What type of heart and blood vessel problems complicate COVID-19 infections, how common are they and what other medical conditions do these patients have?
What type of intervention works best to help people with cancer get back to work?
What type of therapeutic exercise is best for treating scoliosis in adolescents?
What types of interventions benefit people experiencing homelessness to quit smoking?
What were the unintended consequences of school-based measures to manage the COVID-19 pandemic?
What works best to preserve the jaw bone after tooth extraction?
What works for reducing sedentary behaviour in older adults living in the community?
What's the accuracy of crowdsourcing the screening of search results? Help Cochrane find out!
Wheelchairs for children under 12 with physical impairments
When and how to replicate systematic reviews
When and how to update systematic reviews
When healthcare consumers (patients, carers and family members) and healthcare providers work together as partners to plan, deliver and evaluate health services, what effects does this have?
When is the best time to start antiretroviral therapy in children 2 to 5 years old who have HIV infection?
When is the best time to start antiretroviral therapy in people with HIV infection, who have not received antiretroviral treatment before and who do not have any symptoms of HIV illness?
When is the best time to stop giving caffeine to newborns born preterm?
When should antibiotics be given to prevent infectious complications after cesarean birth?
When trying to have a baby through assisted conception, is it better to transfer the embryo to the womb on day 3 or day 5?
When used with AZT, ddI and perhaps ddC, can delay HIV disease progression and death
Which airway device (ProSeal or Classic laryngeal airway mask) provides more effective artificial breathing during anaesthesia for adults?
Which amphotericin B formulation better preserves kidney function among people with fungal infection?
Which antibiotic are useful to treat newborns with congenital syphilis?
Which antibiotics are best to treat worsening symptoms in people with cystic fibrosis with persistent Burkholderia cepacia complex lung infection?
Which anticholinergic drug for overactive bladder symptoms in adults
Which approaches help people with COPD to maintain taking medication as prescribed?
Which approaches help with recovery after a broken ankle in adults?
Which approaches help with recovery after a broken ankle in adults?
Which approaches work best to treat involuntary urine leakage for women?
Which are the best treatments for hip fractures in older adults?
Which are the best treatments for hip fractures in older adults?
Which chemotherapy treatments are best for helping people with advanced pancreatic cancer?
Which combination of inhaled medications are safe and effective for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)?
Which combinations of medicines are best for the prevention and treatment of anaemia in people with cancer?
Which combinations of medicines are best for the prevention and treatment of anaemia in people with cancer?
Which common stimulant medicine is best for premature babies whose breathing pauses during sleep (apnea)?
Which diets or supplements are most effective for preventing and treating pressure ulcers and do they cause unwanted effects?
Which dressings or topical agents are the most effective for healing pressure ulcers?
Which drug combinations are best for prevention of nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy in adults with cancer?
Which drug is best for reducing excessive blood loss after birth?
Which drug is best for treating excessive bleeding after childbirth?
Which drug to prevent lung transplant rejection provides best results with fewest adverse effects?
Which drugs are most effective to prevent tuberculosis in organ transplant recipients?
Which exercise is better for reducing fatigue caused by cancer: cardiovascular or resistance training?
Which faecal blood test is more accurate in detecting bowel cancer and large polyps in population screening?
Which faecal blood test is more accurate in detecting bowel cancer and large polyps in population screening?
Which hormonal therapy works better for women with early failure of the ovaries?
Which hormone (GnRHa) medications work best with ovarian stimulation hormones in assisted conception cycles?
Which inhaled corticosteroid and inhalation device has least impact on growth in children with asthma?
Which interventions are effective and safe for preventing distal intestinal obstruction syndrome (DIOS) in cystic fibrosis?
Which is the best surgical technique for treating endometriomas (lumps of tissue similar to the lining of the womb that grow in the ovaries)?
Which is the best treatment for heavy menstrual bleeding?
Which is the best treatment for heavy menstrual bleeding?
Which long-acting inhaled drugs, used alone or in combination, are the most effective for people with COPD?
Which long-acting inhalers are the most effective and safest for people with advanced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)?
Which management option is best when women experience an early miscarriage?
Which medications reduce irritability, aggression or self-harm in people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD)?
Which medicines are most effective for women trying to get pregnant by ‘intrauterine insemination’ (where sperm is placed directly in the womb)?
Which medicines work best to prevent people from being sick (vomiting) after an operation?
Which medicines, taken by mouth or injected, work best to treat a skin condition called plaque psoriasis?
Which medicines, taken by mouth or injected, work best to treat a skin condition called plaque psoriasis?
Which medicines, taken by mouth or injected, work best to treat a skin condition called plaque psoriasis?
Which method of determining MGMT promoter methylation best predicts survival in people with glioblastoma treated with temozolomide?
Which method of distal pancreatic surgery is safer and more effective: stapler or hand-sewn closure?
Which models exist for prediction of future disease outcomes in people with multiple sclerosis?
Which oral or injected medicines work best to treat moderate to severe eczema?
Which permanent and temporary changes to the water environments of immature mosquitoes work better to reduce malaria in people?
Which procedures are best for treating varicose veins in the leg?
Which remotely-delivered psychological approaches help people with long-term chronic pain to improve symptoms?
Which remotely-delivered psychological approaches help people with long-term chronic pain to improve symptoms?
Which route of short-term bladder drainage is best for adults in hospital?
Which school-based measures designed to contain the COVID-19 pandemic have been evaluated to date, and how were they evaluated?
Which strategies might influence how accurately and how long people with cystic fibrosis complete chest physiotherapy and exercise?
Which talking therapies work for people who use drugs and also have alcohol problems?
Which therapies are the most effective for preventing the progression of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease?
Which treatments are best for symptoms in COVID-19 patients at the end of life?
Which treatments are effective for the management of complex regional pain syndrome in adults?
Which treatments are effective for the management of complex regional pain syndrome in adults?
Which treatments that affect the whole body work best to treat severe skin reactions (Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis)?
Which treatments work best for advanced stomach cancer that has not responded to standard chemotherapy?
Which type of surgery is most effective for cataracts that are present in both eyes at or soon after birth in children up to the age of 2 years?
Which types of blood-thinning drugs (anticoagulants) are best to prevent blood clots in people soon after stroke?
Which types of medicines work best when injected into the hand to treat a painful swollen finger (trigger finger)?
While AZT slows down the progression of HIV disease in the short-term, the improvement does not last and it does not increase survival
While guarding against misinformation on social media, mechanisms are not protecting trusted information
White blood cells reduction in packed red blood cell transfusions for preventing adverse reactions
WHO Bulletin's call for papers: Cochrane community encouraged to share their perspectives on strengthening WHO's guidance role
WHO cognitive decline and dementia guideline cites three Cochrane Reviews
WHO EURO staff training in collaboration with Cochrane
WHO postnatal care guideline supported by 13 Cochrane Reviews
Whole body vibration for preventing and treating osteoporosis
Whole body vibration training for adults with fibromyalgia
Whole brain radiotherapy for the treatment of multiple brain metastases
Whole grain cereals for cardiovascular disease
Whole grain foods for the prevention of type 2 diabetes mellitus
Whole-body cryotherapy for preventing and treating muscle soreness after exercise
Whole-body cryotherapy for preventing and treating muscle soreness after exercise
Whole-body vibration for improving function after stroke
Whole-body vibration platform training in patients with neurodegenerative diseases
Why consumer involvement in Cochrane research is so important
Why is improving dementia diagnosis important?
Why is improving the diagnosis of BK polyomavirus-associated nephropathy (BKPyVAN) important?
Why publish a systematic review in Cochrane?
Wiley Science Talks with Cochrane: Understanding Health Evidence - A COVID-19 Case Study
Winner of Thomas C Chalmers Award 2019 for Best Oral Presentation - Dena Zeraatkar
Winner of Thomas C Chalmers Award 2019 for Best Poster Presentation - Rui Wang
Winning designs from the International Women's Day #SciArt challenge added to Cochrane Store
Women can experience high levels of anxiety at all stages of screening for cervical cancer including colposcopy
Women should be aware of their true risk of developing breast cancer and the limitations of current evidence when considering risk-reducing mastectomy
Women taking antibiotics just before, during or just after their cesarean section operation, are much less likely to have infection of their womb (uterus) and wound
Women with postpartum (postnatal) depression who are supported by caregivers are less likely to remain depressed, although the most effective support from caregivers remains unknown
Women’s position for giving birth without epidural anaesthesia
Work begins to establish a new Cochrane Network across China
Work begins to establish a new Cochrane Network across the US
Work changes to prevent and decrease stress in teachers
Work-break schedules for preventing musculoskeletal symptoms and disorders in healthy workers
Working together to beat COVID-19: Cochrane’s consumer rapid response group
Working wrist splints and extra-depth shoes appear to be helpful for people with rheumatoid arthritis
Workload and surgeon´s speciality for outcome after colorectal cancer surgery
Workplace interventions (methods) for reducing time spent sitting at work
Workplace interventions can reduce risky sexual behaviours among workers.
Workplace interventions for alcohol and other drug problems
Workplace interventions for increasing standing or walking for decreasing musculoskeletal symptoms in sedentary workers
Workplace interventions for increasing standing or walking for preventing musculoskeletal symptoms in sedentary workers
Workplace interventions for low-back pain in workers
Workplace interventions for preventing job loss and other work related outcomes in workers with alcohol misuse
Workplace interventions for preventing work-related rhinitis and rhinosinusitis
Workplace interventions for reducing sitting at work
Workplace interventions for treating work-related rhinitis and rhinosinusitis
Workplace interventions for workers with neck pain
Workplace interventions to deal with occupational asthma
Workplace lighting for improving alertness and mood in daytime workers
Workplace-based organisational interventions to prevent and control obesity by improving dietary intake and/or increasing physical activity
World AIDS Day
World Alzheimer's Day
World Antibiotic Awareness Week
World Breastfeeding Week
World Cancer Day
World Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Day
World Continence Week
World Diabetes Day
World EBHC Day 2024 underscores the need for greater intersectoral collaboration to build resilient evidence ecosystems
World EBHC Day campaign addresses global health challenges through partnerships for purpose
World Evidence-Based Healthcare Day on 20 October 2021: the role of evidence in an infodemic
World Evidence-based Healthcare Day on 20 October: get involved
World Evidence-Based Healthcare Day: Cochrane and global evidence leaders unite for world health and beyond
World Health Day 2021: Building a fairer, healthier world
World Health Organization uses Cochrane evidence in breastfeeding guideline
World Health Organization uses Cochrane evidence in induction of labour recommendations
World Heart Month
World Kidney Day
World Menopause Month
World Mental Health Day
World Oral Health Day
Would you like to host a future Cochrane Colloquium or Governance Meeting?
Would you like to host a future Governance Meeting?
Wound cleansing to help pressure ulcers heal.
Wound drains in orthopaedic surgery (surgery on the joints or limbs)
Wound infiltration with local anaesthetic agents for laparoscopic cholecystectomy (local anaesthetic administration into the surgical wound in people undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy)
Wound-care teams for preventing and treating pressure ulcers (bed sores)
Wound-edge protection devices for preventing surgical site infection in abdominal surgery
Wrist PC6 acupuncture point stimulation to prevent nausea and vomiting after surgery
Writing about emotional topics for asthma control and well-being
Written and personalised action plans to help adults manage their asthma
Written and verbal information, compared to verbal information only, for people being discharged from hospital
Written individualised management plans for asthma in children and adults
Written information about individual medicines for patients
Xiao Chai Hu Tang, a Chinese herbal medicine formula, for chronic hepatitis B
Xiongshao capsule preventing restenosis after percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with coronary heart disease
Xpert MTB/XDR, a rapid test for resistance to tuberculosis drugs
Xpert Ultra compared to Xpert MTB/RIF for diagnosing pulmonary tuberculosis and rifampicin resistance in adults
Xpert Ultra for diagnosing tuberculosis and rifampicin resistance in children
Xpert Ultra for diagnosing tuberculosis and rifampicin resistance in children
Xuebijing for paraquat poisoning
Xylitol containing oral products for preventing dental caries
Xylitol sugar supplement for preventing middle ear infection in children up to 12 years of age 
