
Cabergoline versus bromocriptine for levodopa-induced complications in Parkinson's disease
CAD/CAM versus traditional indirect methods in the fabrication of inlays, onlays, and crowns
Caesarean delivery for the second twin
Caesarean section for non-medical reasons at term
Caesarean section versus vaginal delivery for preterm birth for women with a single baby (not multiple birth)
Caesarean section versus vaginal delivery for preventing mother to infant hepatitis C virus transmission
Caffeine as an analgesic adjuvant for acute pain in adults
Caffeine for cognition
Caffeine for preventing injuries and errors in shift workers
Caffeine versus theophylline for apnea in preterm infants
Calcimimetics for secondary hyperparathyroidism in chronic kidney disease patients
Calcineurin inhibitor minimisation, ie, reduction or withdrawal, versus continuation of calcineurin inhibitor treatment for liver transplant patients
Calcineurin inhibitor withdrawal or tapering for kidney transplant recipients
Calcitonin for preventing and treating corticosteroid-induced osteoporosis
Calcitonin testing for detection of medullary thyroid cancer in patients with thyroid nodules
Calcitonin used to treat metastatic bone pain
Calcium and vitamin D for improving bone health in healthy premenopausal women
Calcium and vitamin D for treating osteoporosis caused by the use of steroids
Calcium antagonists as an add-on therapy for drug-resistant epilepsy
Calcium antagonists for acute ischemic stroke
Calcium antagonists for aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage
Calcium antagonists for unstable angina
Calcium channel blockers as medical expulsive therapy for ureteric stones
Calcium channel blockers can reduce the death of tubular cells in the kidney after a transplant operation
Calcium channel blockers for antipsychotic-induced tardive dyskinesia
Calcium channel blockers for inhibiting preterm labour and birth
Calcium channel blockers for people with chronic kidney disease requiring dialysis
Calcium channel blockers for potential impaired fetal growth
Calcium channel blockers for preventing heart dysfunction related to iron overload in transfusion-dependent beta thalassaemia
Calcium channel blockers for primary Raynaud's phenomenon
Calcium channel blockers for pulmonary arterial hypertension
Calcium channel blockers for treatment of patients with Raynaud’s phenomenon
Calcium channel blockers versus other classes of drugs for hypertension
Calcium channel blocking drugs for Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Calcium for improving bone mineral density in children
Calcium supplementation during pregnancy for preventing blood pressure disorders and related problems
Calcium supplementation for the management of primary hypertension in adults
Calcium, vitamin D or recombinant parathyroid hormone for managing post-thyroidectomy hypoparathyroidism
Call for #CochraneLondon Social Media Ambassadors - Let's get social
Call for 'Expressions of Interest' to Join the Cochrane US Network now open
Call for abstracts: Shape the future of evidence at the 2024 Global Evidence Summit
Call for nominations: Cochrane seeks two external members to join Board
Calling all Citizen Scientists! Join the CitSciMed Blitz!
Calorie labelling leads to modest reductions in selection and consumption
Calorie-controlled diets for chronic asthma
Campaigning for Evidence: Sara Yaron - a patient's story
Campaigns to encourage children to wear cycle helmets
Can 'perfusion' machines improve the quality of livers donated for transplantation?
Can a class of antidiabetic medicine help protect the brain after a severe ischemic (caused by a blocked blood vessel) stroke?
Can a dementia medicine (memantine) help people with autism spectrum disorder?
Can a first dose of whole-cell whooping cough vaccine given before six months old prevent allergic diseases in childhood?
Can additional chemotherapy after initial treatment for locally advanced stage cervical cancer reduce recurrence and extend life?
Can antibody induction therapy help to reduce organ rejection for lung transplant recipients?
Can apps be used for the delivery of survey questionnaires in public health and clinical research?
Can assistive technology help improve stiff joints caused by shortened muscles and tendons in adults after a stroke?
Can biomarkers improve predictions of the RCRI tool to predict heart-related complications in patients undergoing surgery other than heart surgery?
Can breastfeeding support interventions that target depression prevent the development of depression after childbirth?
Can breathing support using continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), given within the first hour of life, prevent death and illness in premature babies?
Can brief interventions delivered in schools reduce substance use among adolescents?
Can calorie (energy) labelling change people's selection and consumption of food or alcohol?
Can cannabinoid type 1 receptor antagonists help smokers to quit, and could they also reduce the amount of weight gained during the quitting process?
Can changing antipsychotic medication improve side effects like increases in weight, blood sugar and cholesterol?
Can cognitive behavioural therapy reduce harmful sexual behaviour in adolescents?
Can cognitive stimulation benefit people with dementia?
Can cognitive stimulation benefit people with dementia?
Can cognitive stimulation benefit people with dementia?
Can collecting blood that is lost during surgery, and returning it to the patient, reduce the need to use donated blood for that patient?
Can collecting blood that is lost during surgery, and returning it to the patient, reduce the need to use donated blood for that patient?
Can combined mechanical and oral antibiotic bowel preparation reduce the risk of complications after scheduled colon or rectal resections compared with purely mechanical, purely oral antibiotic or no bowel preparation?
Can community interventions deter young people from starting to smoke?
Can community interventions reduce smoking among adults
Can community pharmacy interventions help improve pharmacy workers' skills and pharmacy users' health outcomes through health promotion?
Can cytokines and growth factors help prevent mouth soreness and ulcers (oral mucositis) in patients being treated for cancer?
Can day care programs for children under 6 years of age in low- to middle-income countries reduce their risk of drowning?
Can dental professionals help people to stop smoking or using tobacco products?
Can dihydrocodeine reduce illegal opiate use in adolescents and adults?
Can dopamine agonists prevent ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome in women undergoing fertility treatment with IVF or ICSI?
Can dressings, creams, or oils help prevent pressure ulcers (bed sores)?
Can electronic cigarettes help people stop smoking, and do they have any unwanted effects when used for this purpose?
Can electronic cigarettes help people stop smoking, and do they have any unwanted effects when used for this purpose?
Can endoscopic sinus surgery (i.e. surgery using a long thin tube inserted into the sinuses) help to treat nasal polyposis (soft growths in the nasal passages called polyps) in people with cystic fibrosis (CF)?
Can ethical case interventions improve healthcare?
Can exenatide, a diabetes drug, be used to treat Parkinson's disease?
Can exercise give better results after spinal surgery for spinal stenosis?
Can exercise help people quit smoking?
Can exercise interventions enhance health-related quality of life among cancer survivors?
Can exercise interventions enhance health-related quality of life among people with cancer undergoing active treatment?
Can exercise, for women with gestational diabetes, improve outcomes for mother and her baby?
Can exercising before vaccination reduce numbers of adults who get flu or develop complications?
Can exhaled nitric oxide be used to adjust asthma medications in children with asthma?
Can hand hygiene prevent infection in newborn babies?
Can health care providers who are not doctors perform abortions as well as doctors?
Can illegal cigarette sales to underage youth be prevented, and does it change their smoking behaviour
Can individual caseworker-assigned discharge plans reduce readmissions for acute exacerbations in children with chronic respiratory disease?
Can injection of platelet-rich plasma in the womb or ovaries of infertile women undergoing assisted reproduction help them to become pregnant?
Can inserting a cervical stitch prevent early births of single babies?
Can international travel-related control measures contain the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic?
Can Internet-based interventions help people to stop smoking? 
Can interventions for parents and people caring for children reduce children's exposure to tobacco smoke?
Can interventions to improve professional adherence to guidelines prevent device-related infections?
Can keeping the mouth cold during cancer treatment help to prevent mouth soreness and ulcers in children and adults?
Can lay health workers effectively identify and treat wasting in children?
Can lobeline help people to quit smoking
Can mass media campaigns (television, radio, newspapers, billboards and booklets) deter young people from starting to smoke?
Can medications like varenicline and cytisine (nicotine receptor partial agonists) help people to stop smoking and do they cause unwanted effects?
Can medications like varenicline and cytisine (nicotine receptor partial agonists) help people to stop smoking and do they cause unwanted effects?
Can medicines prevent venous thromboembolism after weight-loss surgery?
Can medicines that block interleukin-6 (a protein involved in immune responses) treat COVID-19?
Can mefloquine prevent malaria during travel to areas where the disease is widespread?
Can mindfulness help people to stop smoking?
Can mouthwashes or nasal sprays protect healthcare workers and patients from COVID-19 infection?
Can music and vocal interventions benefit preterm infants and their parents?
Can music and vocal interventions benefit preterm infants and their parents?
Can music and vocal interventions benefit preterm infants and their parents?
Can music interventions benefit people with cancer?
Can music interventions replace sedatives for reduction of preoperative anxiety?
Can nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) help people quit smoking?
Can nicotine vaccines help people stop smoking or help stop recent quitters from relapsing?
Can non-medicinal measures prevent or reduce SARS-CoV-2 infections in long term care facilities?
Can non-pharmacological measures prevent or reduce Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2) infections in long term care facilities?
Can ocular antibiotics treatment prevent eye infection following a corneal abrasion?
Can oral Astragalus (Huang qi) prevent frequent acute respiratory tract infections in children?
Can organisational infrastructures be effective in promoting evidence-based nursing practice?
Can people be helped to stop smoking before they have surgery?
Can people stop smoking by cutting down the amount they smoke first?
Can percussion, diuresis, and inversion therapy improve outcomes for people with lower pole kidney stones following shock wave lithotripsy?
Can physical exercise improve blood flow in people with chronic venous insufficiency?
Can pressure ulcers be prevented by using different support surfaces?
Can probiotics (live micro-organisms) prevent upper respiratory tract infections such as the common cold?
Can programmes delivered by mobile phones help people to stop smoking?
Can programmes delivered in school prevent young people from starting to smoke?
Can programmes on social media help people to improve their health?
Can psychological or educational interventions (or combinations of both) reduce falls in older adults who live at home?
Can psychological or educational interventions (or combinations of both) reduce falls in older adults who live at home?
Can psychological therapies help people who self-harm?
Can psychosocial interventions reduce antipsychotic medication in care home residents?
Can psychosocial interventions reduce antipsychotic medication in care home residents?
Can recruitment strategies make smokers more likely to enter programmes to help them quit smoking?
Can reducing prescriptions of anticholinergic medicines improve cognitive outcomes in older adults?
Can rewards help people quit smoking, and do they work in the long term?
Can self-management programs improve the quality of life in adults with low vision?
Can services delivered by pharmacists improve patient health?
Can shared decision-making between the patient and the healthcare professional help people with asthma?
Can smartphone apps improve access to asthma self management?
Can smokers be helped to reduce the harm caused by cigarette smoking by smoking fewer cigarettes or using different tobacco products?
Can smoking cessation interventions among adults with pulmonary tuberculosis improve their tuberculosis treatment outcomes?
Can strategies intended to improve how care is organised or delivered to people with overweight or obesity lead to greater weight reduction?
Can taking inhaled corticosteroids when needed for symptoms help people with mild asthma from becoming more unwell?
Can tests for inflammation help doctors decide whether to use antibiotics for airway infections?
Can tests for inflammation help doctors decide whether to use antibiotics for airway infections?
Can tests to identify the main draining lymph nodes in women with endometrial cancer accurately diagnose if the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes?
Can tests used to identify the main groin lymph node/s in women with vulval cancer accurately predict whether the cancer has spread to the groin/s?
Can text message reminders help people with heart disease take their medications regularly?
Can the glucose-lowering drugs insulin secretagogues prevent or delay type 2 diabetes mellitus and its associated complications in persons at increased risk of this disease?
Can the medicine dexrazoxane prevent or reduce heart damage in adults and children with cancer receiving anthracyclines?
Can the public release of performance data in health care influence the behaviour of consumers, healthcare providers, and organisations?
Can the use of antibiotics prevent an infection when a retained placenta is removed by hand after vaginal birth?
Can the use of standardised packaging for tobacco products reduce the use of tobacco?
Can third-party inspections of whether healthcare organisations are fulfilling mandatory standards improve healthcare outcomes?
Can tobacco control programmes that include a mass media campaign help to reduce levels of smoking among adults?
Can training health professionals to ask people if they smoke increase offers of advice and help patients quit?
Can ultrasound therapy help to heal venous (varicose) leg ulcers and/or improve symptoms?
Can users of waterpipes be helped to quit through smoking cessation interventions?
Can vasodilators (medicines that widen blood vessels) help women with infertility have children?
Can virtual reality training for cataract surgery supplement or replace other training methods for ophthalmology trainees?
Can we help smokers to increase their use of stop-smoking medicines?
Can xylitol used in products like sweets, candy, chewing gum and toothpaste help prevent tooth decay in children and adults?
Canadian C-spine rule and the National Emergency X-Radiography Utilization Study (NEXUS) for detecting clinically important cervical spine injury following blunt trauma
Cancer genetic risk assessment for individuals at risk of familial breast cancer
Cancer patients with fever and suspected infection can be treated with a single 'new-generation' beta-lactam antibiotic
Cannabidiol for people with schizophrenia
Cannabinoids for epilepsy
Cannabinoids for the treatment of dementia
Cannabinoids for Tourette syndrome
Cannabis and cannabinoids for people with multiple sclerosis
Cannabis and cannabinoids for people with multiple sclerosis
Cannabis and cannabis oil for the treatment of Crohn's disease
Cannabis and cannabis oil for the treatment of ulcerative colitis
Cannabis for schizophrenia
Cannabis products for adults with chronic neuropathic pain
Cannabis products for people with fibromyalgia
Cannabis-based medicine for nausea and vomiting in people treated with chemotherapy for cancer
Cannabis-based medicines for cancer pain
Cannabis-based medicines for cancer pain
Cannabis-based medicines for prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting in adults
Capsaicin applied to the skin for chronic neuropathic pain in adults
Capsaicin for allergic rhinitis
Capsaicin for non-allergic rhinitis
Capsule endoscopy for the diagnosis of oesophageal varices in people with chronic liver disease or portal vein thrombosis
CAR T-cell therapy for people with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma which returns after treatment or no longer responds to treatment
Carbamazepine and oxcarbazepine for the treatment of behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD)
Carbamazepine does not appear to be effective in reducing cocaine dependence, with high dropout rates and adverse effects
Carbamazepine for chronic neuropathic pain and fibromyalgia in adults
Carbamazepine for schizophrenia
Carbamazepine versus phenobarbitone monotherapy (single drug treatment) for epilepsy
Carbamazepine versus phenytoin (given as a single drug treatment) for epilepsy
Carbamazepine versus valproate monotherapy for epilepsy
Carbetocin for preventing postpartum haemorrhage
Carbohydrate or fat-restricted diets for obesity
Carbohydrate supplementation of human milk to promote growth in preterm infants
Carbon dioxide detection for testing nasogastric tube placement in adults
Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors for hypercapnic ventilatory failure in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Cardiac resynchronization therapy for dilated cardiomyopathy
Cardiac testing for coronary artery disease in potential kidney transplant recipients
Cardioselective beta-blockers for reversible airway disease
Cardiotocography (a form of electronic fetal monitoring) for assessing a baby's well-being in the womb during pregnancy
Cardiotocography for antepartum fetal assessment
Cardiovascular safety of phosphodiesterase inhibitors for treating erectile dysfunction in elderly men
Care co-ordination interventions to improve outcomes during pregnancy and early childhood (up to 5 years)
Care delivery and self management strategies for adults with epilepsy
Care delivery and self-management strategies for children with epilepsy
Care for pregnant women who have experienced genital cutting
Care involving families for Indigenous early childhood well-being
Care involving families for Indigenous early childhood well-being
Care pathways versus usual care for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
Care planning or case management for frequent emergency department attendance in adults
Care prior to the next pregnancy for women diagnosed with gestational diabetes
Caregiver-mediated exercises for improving outcomes after stroke
Cariprazine versus placebo for schizophrenia
Carisbamate add-on therapy for drug-resistant focal epilepsy
Carnitine for fatigue in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS)
Carnitine supplementation for preterm infants with recurrent apnoea
Carnitine supplementation of parenterally fed neonates
Carnitine supplements for people with chronic kidney disease requiring dialysis
Carnitine supplements for treating people with inborn errors of metabolism
Carotid endarterectomy for asymptomatic carotid stenosis
Carotid endarterectomy for carotid stenosis in patients selected for coronary artery bypass graft surgery
Carotid revascularisation versus medical treatment for asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis
Carotid surgery in people who have symptoms with narrowing of the carotid artery
Case management approaches to home support for people with dementia
Case management for people with severe mental disorders
Case management programmes for older people living with frailty in the community
Case management programmes for older people living with frailty in the community
Case management: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes
Case mangement for persons with substance use disorders.
Castor oil, bath and/or enema for cervical priming and induction of labour
Cataract surgery in people with age-related macular degeneration
Catherine Marshall appointed Co-Chair of the Governing Board
Catherine Marshall re-appointed Co-Chair of the Governing Board
Catherine Spencer steps down as CEO of Cochrane
Catherine Spencer to join Cochrane as new Chief Executive Officer
Catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation
Catheter ablation versus escalation of antiarrhythmic medications for management of ventricular tachycardia in patients with ischaemic heart disease
Catheter ablation versus pharmacological treatment for patients with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome
Catheter ablation would be an alternative to inhibit recurrence of paroxysmal or persistent atrial fibrillation
Catheter insertion techniques for improving catheter function and clinical outcomes in peritoneal dialysis patients
Catheter lock treatments for catheter-related infections in children with cancer
Catheter policies for management of long-term voiding problems in adults with nerve damage affecting the bladder
Catheter type, placement and insertion techniques for preventing peritonitis in peritoneal dialysis patients
Cefepime versus other beta-lactam antibiotics for the treatment of infections in non-neutropenic patients
