Celebrating 20 years of Cochrane in Spain |
Celebrating 30 years of Cochrane |
Celebrating Anne Anderson and Cochrane diversity with new designs: interview with artist Heather Tubwon |
Celebrating Archie Cochrane |
Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of Cochrane Brazil |
Celebrating the UN International Day of Older Persons 2021 |
Celebrating three-years of Cochrane Russia at the Cochrane Russia Symposium |
Celecoxib for RA |
Celecoxib for Schizophrenia |
Celiac plexus block (CPB) in patients with unresectable pancreatic cancer-related pain |
Cell-based therapies for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis/motor neuron disease (ALS/MND) |
Cell-based therapy using different sources and different treatment regimens for 'no-option' CLI patients |
Celsior solution versus University of Wisconsin solution in liver preservation for transplantation |
Cemented versus cementless surgical approach for total hip arthroplasty revision |
Cemented versus cementless total hip arthroplasty for osteoarthrosis and other non-traumatic diseases |
Cenobamate as an add-on treatment for focal epilepsy that does not respond to other long-term antiseizure medication |
Central action beta-blockers versus placebo for neuroleptic-induced acute akathisia |
Central venous access sites to prevent venous blood clots, blood vessel narrowing, and infection |
Central venous catheter coating with antiseptics or antibiotics for reducing catheter-related infections in adults |
Central venous catheter removal for adults and children suffering from bloodstream infections caused by Candida species |
Centralisation of care may prolong survival in women with ovarian cancer, and possibly more generally, gynaecological cancer |
Centre-based day care for children younger than five years of age in high-income countries |
Centre-based day care for children younger than five years of age in low- and middle-income countries |
Centre-based early education interventions for improving school readiness |
Cephalic version by postural management for breech presentation |
Cephalosporin antibiotics for the treatment of enteric fever (typhoid fever) |
CERA treatment for anaemia in people with chronic kidney disease |
Ceramic inlays for restoring posterior teeth |
Cerebral near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) for perioperative monitoring of brain oxygenation in children and adults |
Cerebral near-infrared spectroscopy monitoring for prevention of brain injury in very preterm infants |
Cerebrolysin for acute ischaemic stroke |
Cerebrolysin for acute ischaemic stroke |
Cerebrolysin for Alzheimer's disease |
Cerebrolysin for vascular dementia |
Cerebrospinal fluid drainage for thoracic and thoracic abdominal aortic aneurysm surgery |
Cerivastatin for lowering lipids |
Cernilton, an extract from rye grass pollen, may help to relieve some urinary symptoms caused by an enlarged prostate gland, but more research is needed. |
Certolizumab pegol for the treatment of active Crohn’s disease |
Certolizumab pegol for the treatment of maintaining inactive Crohn's disease |
Certolizumab pegol for treating adults with rheumatoid arthritis |
Cervical assessment by ultrasound for preventing preterm delivery |
Cervical cap versus diaphragm for birth control |
Cervical ripening before first trimester surgical evacuation for non-viable pregnancy |
Cervical stitch (cerclage) for preventing pregnancy loss in women |
Cervical stitch (cerclage) in combination with other treatments for preventing premature or early birth of single babies |
Cervical stitch for preventing preterm birth in women with a multiple pregnancy |
Cervico-thoracic or lumbar sympathectomy for neuropathic pain |
Cessation of medication for people with schizophrenia already stable on chlorpromazine |
Cetuximab: a new treatment for advanced non-small cell lung cancer |
CFTR correctors, a therapy for cystic fibrosis targeted at specific variants (most commonly F508del) |
CFTR correctors, a therapy for cystic fibrosis targeted at specific variants (most commonly F508del) |
Chances of developing blood clots for people who have COVID-19 and are taking hormonal birth control compared to people not taking hormonal birth control |
Changes at the workplace for preventing disability in workers on sick leave |
Changes in occupational health and safety service arrangements for increasing the uptake of preventive services in small companies |
Changes in out-of-pocket payments on utilisation of health care services |
Changing atrial fibrillation to a regular heart rhythm using specific drugs has no advantage over controlling the heart rate in elderly people |
Changing shift worker's schedules to improve sleep quality and duration and reduce sleepiness |
Changing the length of time a worker is allowed to take time off work because of illness without a physician's certificate |
Characteristics of randomised trials in ophthalmology using a single eye per person design |
Checklists and specialist teams to recognise and manage sick people in hospital |
Checkpoint inhibitors for stage I to III non-small cell lung cancer treated with surgery or radiotherapy with curative intent: a generic protocol |
Chelation for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) |
Chelation therapy for atherosclerotic cardiovascular (heart and circulation) disease |
Chemicals for sticking the outer lung surface to surrounding membranes compared to surgery to stop air persistently collecting in the chest |
Chemo-mechanical treatment of tooth decay |
Chemo-radiotherapy versus surgery-based treatment for Stage IIIA non-small cell lung cancer: a systematic review and network meta-analysis |
Chemoimmunotherapy versus chemotherapy for metastatic malignant melanoma |
Chemoprevention agents for prostate cancer |
Chemoradiation in locally advanced vulval cancer |
Chemoradiotherapy for cervical cancer: results of a meta-analysis |
Chemotherapy (anticancer drugs) for patients with advanced small cell lung cancer |
Chemotherapy (drug treatment) for inoperable thymic cancer in adults |
Chemotherapy after surgery for early stage non-small cell lung cancer |
Chemotherapy after surgery for stage III and IV endometrial cancer |
Chemotherapy after surgery versus surgery alone for stomach cancer |
Chemotherapy alone versus endocrine therapy alone for metastatic breast cancer |
Chemotherapy and radiotherapy may improve survival and quality of life in people with advanced pancreatic cancer |
Chemotherapy and supportive care versus supportive care alone for advanced non-small cell lung cancer |
Chemotherapy as an adjunct to radiotherapy in locally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma |
Chemotherapy before surgery for patients with surgically removable cancer of the esophagus |
Chemotherapy before surgery in patients with adenocarcinoma of the esophagus, the gastroesophageal junction, and the stomach |
Chemotherapy before surgery or radiotherapy or both for women with cervical cancer that has spread beyond the cervix to the tissues close by |
Chemotherapy can improve survival rates for non-small cell lung cancer |
Chemotherapy delivered via the hepatic artery following surgical resection of liver metastases arising from colorectal cancer does not improve survival. |
Chemotherapy for adult women diagnosed with a rare type of ovarian cancer of all stages (malignant germ cell cancer of the ovary) |
Chemotherapy for advanced gastric cancer |
Chemotherapy for children with medulloblastoma |
Chemotherapy for downsizing unresectable liver metastases from colorectal cancer |
Chemotherapy for gallbladder cancer |
Chemotherapy for men with prostate cancer who have not responded to hormone therapy |
Chemotherapy for mouth and throat cancer |
Chemotherapy for newly diagnosed inoperable brain metastases from non-small cell lung cancer |
Chemotherapy for relapsed epithelial ovarian cancer |
Chemotherapy for treating high-grade osteosarcoma in children and young adults |
Chemotherapy given before surgery, compared with surgery alone for women with cervical cancer |
Chemotherapy improves the survival of people with advanced colorectal cancer, but the adverse effects and impact on quality of life are not yet known. |
Chemotherapy of second-stage Human African trypanosomiasis |
Chemotherapy primarily aimed at improving length of life while maintaining quality of life for incurable cervical cancer |
Chemotherapy versus surgery with or without adjuvant chemotherapy and radiotherapy for localised primary gastric diffuse large B-cell lymphoma |
Chemotherapy with Camptothecin compounds for metastatic colorectal cancer |
Chemotherapy with platinum compounds for metastatic colorectal cancer |
Chemotherapy, radiotherapy or both after surgery for treatment of a rare tumour of the ovary |
Chemotherapy, surgery and radiotherapy for locally advanced breast cancer |
Chemotherapy-without-Ara-C versus Chemotherapy-with-Ara-C for treatment of newly diagnosed acute promyelocytic leukemia |
Chest pain observation units for patients with symptoms suggestive of acute cardiac ischaemia |
Chest physiotherapy for acute bronchiolitis in children younger than two years of age |
Chest physiotherapy for pneumonia in adults |
Chest physiotherapy for pneumonia in children |
Chest physiotherapy for preventing morbidity in babies being extubated from mechanical ventilation |
Chest physiotherapy for reducing respiratory morbidity in infants requiring ventilatory support |
Chest shielding to prevent patent ductus arteriosus in preterm infants receiving phototherapy |
Chest X-rays in acute chest infections |
Chest X-rays in the treatment of acute respiratory infections |
Chewing gum after surgery to help recovery of the digestive system |
Chewing gum for postoperative recovery of gastrointestinal function |
Child protection training for professionals to improve reporting of child abuse and neglect |
Child-focused cognitive behavioural therapy for children who have been physically abused |
Child-focused psychosocial interventions for anger and aggression in children under 12 years of age |
Children with chronic non-cancer pain and their families’ experiences and understanding of their condition, pain services and treatments: a meta-ethnography |
Children with chronic non-cancer pain and their families’ experiences and understanding of their condition, pain services and treatments: a meta-ethnography |
Children with chronic non-cancer pain and their families’ experiences and understanding of their condition, pain services and treatments: a meta-ethnography |
Children with dehydration due to gastroenteritis need to be rehydrated, and this review did not show any important differences between giving fluids orally or intravenously |
Chilean Satellite of Cochrane EPOC vs COVID-19: Supporting decision makers |
Chinese herbal medicine (CHM) in the treatment of ectopic pregnancy. |
Chinese herbal medicine alone or combined with vitamins for gastric precancerous lesions |
Chinese herbal medicine for advanced pancreatic cancer |
Chinese herbal medicine for allergic rhinitis |
Chinese herbal medicine for female subfertility |
Chinese Herbal Medicine for induced abortion in early pregnancy (before 14 weeks’ gestation) |
Chinese herbal medicine for schizophrenia |
Chinese herbal medicine for treating recurrent urinary tract infections in women |
Chinese herbal medicine for treatment of diabetic peripheral neuropathy |
Chinese herbal medicine Huangqi type formulations for nephrotic syndrome |
Chinese herbal medicine may help reduce menstrual pain. |
Chinese herbal medicine suxiao jiuxin wan for angina pectoris |
Chinese herbal medicine taken by mouth or applied to the skin for atopic eczema in children and adults |
Chinese herbal medicines for adverse events of transarterial chemoembolization in patients with primary liver cancer |
Chinese herbal medicines for benign thyroid nodules in adults |
Chinese herbal medicines for hypercholesterolemia |
Chinese herbal medicines for hyperthyroidism |
Chinese herbal medicines for hypertriglyceridaemia |
Chinese herbal medicines for hypothyroidism |
Chinese herbal medicines for osteoporosis |
Chinese herbal medicines for people with impaired glucose tolerance or impaired fasting blood glucose |
Chinese herbal medicines for subfertile women with polycystic ovarian syndrome |
Chinese herbal medicines for the treatment of neonatal jaundice |
Chinese herbal medicines for the treatment of pre-eclampsia |
Chinese herbal medicines for threatened miscarriage |
Chinese herbal medicines for treating diabetic foot ulcers |
Chinese herbal medicines for treating diabetic kidney disease |
Chinese herbal medicines for treating gestational diabetes mellitus (0910) |
Chinese herbal medicines for type 2 diabetes mellitus |
Chinese herbal medicines for unexplained recurrent miscarriage |
Chinese herbal medicines for weight loss |
Chinese herbs combined with Western medicine for treating severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) |
Chinese herbs for endometriosis |
Chinese herbs for insomnia |
Chinese medical herbs for chemotherapy side effects in colorectal cancer patients |
Chinese medicinal herbs for acute bronchitis |
Chinese medicinal herbs for cholelithiasis |
Chinese medicinal herbs for influenza |
Chinese medicinal herbs for measles |
Chinese medicinal herbs for mumps |
Chinese medicinal herbs for oesophageal cancer |
Chinese medicinal herbs for sore throat |
Chinese medicinal herbs for the treatment of side-effects from chemotherapy in breast cancer patients |
Chinese medicinal herbs for treating acute inflammation of the pancreas |
Chinese medicinal herbs for urinary calculi |
Chinese medicinal herbs for vaginal bleeding of medical abortion |
Chinese medicinal herbs to treat the common cold |
Chinese medicine for immunological functions in women with breast cancer or a history of breast cancer |
Chitosan for overweight or obesity |
CHIVA method for the treatment of varicose veins |
Chlamydia antibody titer testing versus hysterosalpingography for detection of tubal pathology in subfertile women |
Chlorambucil for patients with primary biliary cirrhosis |
Chlorambucil for the treatment of patients with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, or small lymphocytic lymphoma |
Chlorhexidine interventions for the prevention of caries in adults |
Chlorhexidine mouthrinse to reduce gingivitis and plaque build-up |
Chlorhexidine or other antiseptic solutions: which works better to prevent infection in newborns with central lines? |
Chlorhexidine skin care for prevention of mortality and infection in neonates |
Chlorhexidine versus topical fluoride treatment for the prevention and management of dental caries in children and adolescents |
Chloroquine as a steroid sparing agent for asthma |
Chloroquine or amodiaquine combined with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine for treating uncomplicated malaria |
Chloroquines for the treatment of osteoarthritis |
Chlorproguanil-dapsone for treating malaria |
Chlorpromazine compared with newer atypical antipsychotics |
Chlorpromazine dose for people with schizophrenia |
Chlorpromazine for treating aggression or agitation due to psychosis |
Chlorpromazine versus lithium for people with schizophrenia |
Chlorpromazine versus metiapine for schizophrenia |
Chlorpromazine versus penfluridol for schizophrenia |
Chlorpromazine versus piperacetazine for schizophrenia |
Chlorpromazine versus placebo for schizophrenia |
Chlorpromazine versus reserpine for schizophrenia |
Chlorpromazine versus thiothixene for people with schizophrenia |
Choice of bypass graft material for lower-limb arterial bypasses |
Cholesterol-reducing drugs for brain haemorrhage (subarachnoid haemorrhage) |
Choline precursors for acute and subacute ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke |
Cholinergic medication for antipsychotic-induced tardive dyskinesia |
Cholinesterase inhibitors (ChEIs), donepezil, galantamine and rivastigmine are efficacious for mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease |
Cholinesterase inhibitors are beneficial for people with Parkinson's disease and dementia |
Cholinesterase inhibitors for people with delirium, not including those in intensive care units |
Chondroitin for osteoarthritis |
Chorion villus sampling versus amniocentesis for prenatal diagnosis |
Chris Del Mar update |
Chromium picolinate supplementation for overweight or obese people |
Chronic disease management for asthma |
Chronic lateral ankle instability may be treated with or without surgery |
Chronic pain in children: time for change |
Chronomodulated chemotherapy versus conventional chemotherapy for Advanced and /or Metastatic Colorectal Cancer |
Chuanxiong preparations to prevent stroke in people at high risk of stroke |
Chuanxiong-type preparations for acute ischemic stroke |
Ciclesonide compared to budesonide and fluticasone in the treatment of asthma in children |
Ciclesonide versus other inhaled steroids for chronic asthma in children and adults |
Ciclesonide versus placebo for chronic asthma in adults and children |
Ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also known as motor neuron disease |
Cilostazol for peripheral arterial disease |
Cilostazol versus aspirin for secondary prevention of vascular events after a stroke of arterial origin |
Cinnamon for diabetes mellitus |
Circuit class therapy for improving mobility after stroke |
Circulatory volume expansion therapy for aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage |
Cisapride treatment for gastro-oesophageal reflux in young children |
Citalopram versus other antidepressants for depression |
Citicoline (CDP-choline) for traumatic brain injury |
Citicoline for treating people with acute ischemic stroke |
Citizen Scientist event by Cochrane Mexico makes over 250,000 study classifications for researchers |
Citizen scientists help to expand Cochrane Library’s trial register to include more nursing and allied health research |
Citrate salts for preventing and treating calcium containing kidney stones in adults |
Cladribine for people with multiple sclerosis |
Clamp-crush technique seems to be the method of choice in liver parenchymal transection |
Cleaning between the teeth using interdental brushes for the prevention and control of gum diseases and tooth decay in adults |
Clear benefits for women from continuous support during childbirth |
Clear survival benefit is achieved if all or most (< 1 cm remaining) of the tumour after primary surgical treatment for advanced epithelial ovarian cancer is removed |
Clevudine in people with chronic hepatitis B virus infection |
Client feedback in psychological therapy for children and adolescents with mental health problems |
Clinical assessment for diagnosing congenital heart disease in newborn infants with Down syndrome |
Clinical decision support systems for neonatal care |
Clinical effectiveness of telepharmacy services in patients with non‐communicable diseases in ambulatory care settings |
Clinical effects of cardiovascular risk scores in people without cardiovascular disease |
Clinical heart failure in children, adolescents and young adults treated with anthracyclines and/or irradiation involving the heart region |
Clinical hypnosis for acute pain in adults |
Clinical hypnosis for chronic pain in adults |
Clinical pathways for chronic cough in children |
Clinical pathways for primary care: effects on professional practice, patient outcomes, and costs |
Clinical pathways in hospitals. |
Clinical rating scales for assessing pain in newborn infants |
Clinical symptoms and signs for the diagnosis of Mycoplasma pneumoniae in children and adolescents with community-acquired pneumonia |
Clinical symptoms, signs and tests for identification of impending and current water-loss dehydration in older people |
Clinical tools for detecting cervical spine injury (CSI) in children with injuries |
Clinical tools for detecting cervical spine injury (CSI) in children with injuries |