
Antiplatelet agents for reducing risks in patients with peripheral arterial disease and cramping pain in legs on walking
Antiplatelet and anticoagulant agents for preventing recurrence of peripheral vascular thrombosis in patients with Antiphospholipid syndrome
Antiplatelet drugs for preventing arterial and venous thrombotic events in patients with polycythaemia vera or essential thrombocythaemia
Antiplatelet therapy for aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage
Antiplatelet therapy for preventing stroke and other vascular events after carotid endarterectomy
Antiplatelet therapy for preventing stroke in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation and no previous history of stroke or transient ischemic attacks
Antiplatelet therapy for preventing stroke in people with atrial fibrillation
Antiplatelet versus anticoagulation treatment for patients with heart failure in sinus rhythm
Antiproteases for acute pancreatitis
Antipsychotic drugs for anorexia nervosa
Antipsychotic drugs for anorexia nervosa
Antipsychotic drugs for elderly people with late-onset schizophrenia
Antipsychotic drugs for non-affective psychosis during pregnancy and postpartum
Antipsychotic medication for challenging behaviour in people with learning disability
Antipsychotic medication for childhood-onset schizophrenia
Antipsychotic medication for early episode schizophrenia
Antipsychotic medication for elderly people with schizophrenia
Antipsychotic medication versus placebo for people with both schizophrenia and learning disability
Antipsychotic medications for cocaine dependence
Antipsychotic-reduction and/or cessation and antipsychotics as specific treatments for tardive dyskinesia
Antipsychotics for antipsychotic-naïve people with psychosis
Antipsychotics for fibromyalgia symptoms in adults
Antipsychotics for people with epilepsy and psychosis
Antipsychotics for people with persistent negative symptoms of schizophrenia
Antipsychotics for the treatment of neuropathic pain in adults
Antipsychotics to treat delirium in hospitalised patients, not including those in intensive care units
Antipyretic measures for treating fever in malaria
Antiresorptive agents for the prevention of fractures after spinal cord injury
Antiretroviral post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) for occupational HIV exposure
Antiretroviral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for preventing HIV in high-risk individuals
Antiretroviral regimens for patients with HIV who fail first-line antiretroviral therapy
Antiretroviral resistance testing in people living with HIV
Antiretroviral therapy for prevention of HIV transmission in HIV-discordant couples
Antiretrovirals for reducing the risk of mother-to-child transmission of HIV infection
Antiseptic prevents deaths in newborns
Antiseptic treatment (chlorhexidine) to prevent tooth decay in children and young people
Antiseptics and disinfectants for the treatment of vaginal discharge in non-pregnant women
Antiseptics for Burns
Antispasmodics for labour
Antistaphylococcal immunoglobulins to prevent staphylococcal infection in very low birth weight infants
Antithrombin for respiratory distress syndrome in preterm infants
Antithrombin III for critically ill patients
Antithrombotic drugs for carotid artery dissection
Antithrombotic drugs to prevent further blood vessel blockage after bypass surgery using vein grafts obtained from the same person (autologous) or artificial grafts in the legs
Antithrombotic therapy for improving maternal or infant health outcomes in women considered at risk of placental dysfunction
Antithrombotic therapy to prevent cognitive decline in people with small vessel disease on neuroimaging but without dementia
Antithrombotic treatment following coronary artery bypass surgery: a network meta-analysis
Antithrombotics after infra-inguinal bypass grafting
Antithrombotics after infra-inguinal peripheral endovascular treatment
Antithyroid drug regimen for treating Graves' hyperthyroidism
Antitumour antibiotic containing regimens for metastatic breast cancer
Antivenom for snake venom-induced neuromuscular paralysis
Antiviral agents for hepatitis B virus-related cirrhosis
Antiviral agents for treating CMV infection of the nervous system in people with HIV
Antiviral agents for treatment of herpes simplex virus infection in neonates
Antiviral drugs amantadine and rimantadine for preventing and treating the symptoms of influenza A in adults
Antiviral drugs can prevent cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection and disease after an organ transplant.
Antiviral drugs for prevention of hepatitis B virus mother-to-child transmission in pregnant women living with both human immunodeficiency virus and hepatitis B virus
Antiviral drugs for sudden hearing loss (without known cause)
Antiviral medication for the treatment of infectious mononucleosis (glandular fever)
Antiviral medicines, interferon, and corneal surface removal in the treatment of herpes simplex virus infection of the eye
Antiviral prophylaxis for varicella zoster in immunocompromised patients (excluding haematological malignancies)
Antiviral therapy for congenital cytomegalovirus infection in neonates and infants up to 12 months of age
Antiviral therapy for genital herpes for prevention of HIV transmission
Antiviral therapy for recurrent liver graft infection with hepatitis C virus
Antiviral therapy to prevent the recurrence of chronic hepatitis C infection in patients undergoing liver transplantation
Antiviral treatment for Bell's palsy
Antiviral treatment for chronic hepatitis C in patients with HIV infection
Antiviral treatment for influenza infection in people with cystic fibrosis
Antiviral treatment for preventing nerve pain after shingles (postherpetic neuralgia)
Antiviral treatment for the prevention of mother to child transmission of hepatitis B virus infection
Antiviral treatments for lamivudine-resistant chronic hepatitis B adult patients
Antivirals for recurrent respiratory papillomatosis
Antivirals may provide limited help for the common cold but they are not a cure and none are licensed
Apomorphine for the treatment of erectile dysfunction
Appendectomy versus antibiotic treatment for acute appendicitis
Appetite stimulants for people with cystic fibrosis
Apply for the Cochrane-REWARD prize for reducing waste in research
Applying negative pressure rapidly or in steps for vacuum extraction assisted vaginal delivery
Applying positive pressure at the end of each breath during anaesthesia for prevention of mortality and postoperative pulmonary complications
Appointment of a new Editor in Chief for the Cochrane Library
Appointment of lead to independent advisory group
Appointment of new Interim Chief Executive Officer for Cochrane
Approaches for helping children and adolescents with cystic fibrosis to take part in decisions about their healthcare
Approaches to guiding oxygen therapy in adult intensive care patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome
Approaches to help people with COPD who have one or more long-term conditions
Aptrotinin and tranexamic acid may show promise in decreasing blood loss and blood transfusion requirements
Aquablation for the treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms in men with benign prostatic hyperplasia
Aquatic exercise for people with osteoarthritis in the knee or hip
Aquatic exercise training for fibromyalgia
Aquatic therapy exercise for treating rheumatoid arthritis
Aqueous shunt surgery and mitomycin C
Aqueous shunts for glaucoma
Arbidol for preventing and treating influenza in adults and children
Are actions taken in schools, colleges and universities to prevent self-harm and suicide in young people up to the age of 25 effective?
Are angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) an effective treatment for heart failure?
Are anti-blood clotting drugs beneficial for people with chronic kidney disease?
Are anti-seizure medications effective and safe treatments for Lennox-Gastaut syndrome?
Are antibiotics a safe and effective additional treatment for asthma exacerbations?
Are antibiotics an effective treatment for COVID-19 and do they cause unwanted effects?
Are antibiotics an effective treatment for COVID‐19 and do they cause unwanted effects?
Are antibiotics an effective way to prevent infection following tooth removal?
Are antibiotics beneficial for flare-ups of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease?
Are antibiotics more effective when given continuously or intermittently to people with bronchiectasis?
Are antibodies from people who have recovered from respiratory syncytial virus an effective treatment for very young children with respiratory syncytial virus?
Are antiplatelets an effective treatment for people with COVID-19?
Are antipsychotic medicines safe and effective for treating people who have schizophrenia spectrum disorders with catatonic symptoms?
Are any effective treatment options available for the management of granulosa cell tumour of the ovary?
Are asthma self-management interventions effective when delivered in schools for children, and how should they be delivered?
Are azathioprine and 6-mercaptopurine effective drugs for the long-term treatment of ulcerative colitis?
Are braces effective for treating crossbite (top back teeth biting down inside the bottom back teeth)?
Are cardioselective beta-blockers a safe and effective treatment in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease?
Are changes to diet effective to manage mineral and bone abnormalities in people with chronic kidney disease?
Are circumcision devices safer or faster when compared to standard surgical circumcisions for males older than 10 years?
Are combined aclidinium and long-acting beta2-agonist inhalers effective and safe for people with stable COPD?
Are communication interventions effective for minimally verbal children with autism spectrum disorder?
Are concentrated antibodies from people who have recovered from COVID-19 or animals an effective treatment for people with COVID-19?
Are corticosteroids (anti-inflammatory medicines) given orally or by injection an effective treatment for people with COVID-19?
Are corticosteroids given orally or by injection an effective treatment for people with COVID-19?
Are cyclical progestogens an effective and safe treatment for heavy menstrual bleeding compared to other medical treatments?
Are digital contact tracing technologies effective during infectious disease outbreaks?
Are direct oral anticoagulants (a type of 'blood thinner') better than conventional anticoagulation for treating people with a blood clot in a deep vein? 
Are direct oral anticoagulants (a type of 'blood thinner') better than traditional anticoagulants for treating a pulmonary embolism (a blood clot in the lung)?
Are diuretics effective for treating people with nephrotic oedema?
Are education and psychological therapies effective for managing eczema?
Are exercises for strengthening breathing muscles effective for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease?
Are higher or lower salt (sodium) supplements better for premature babies to prevent illness and improve growth and development?
Are hypoxia-inducible factor stabilisers effective for management of anaemia among people with chronic kidney disease?
Are inflatable sleeves and medication effective to prevent deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism after surgery?
Are inhaled anticholinergics added to β2-agonists beneficial in children hospitalised with acute asthma?
Are inhaled corticosteroids an effective treatment for people with mild COVID-19?
Are inhalers containing umeclidinium bromide effective and safe for people with COPD?
Are interventions aimed at people with schizophrenia and their families more effective than standard care?
Are interventions for fatigue effective among people with kidney failure requiring dialysis?
Are interventions for fatigue effective among people with kidney failure requiring dialysis?
Are interventions that are implemented in alcohol server settings (e.g. bars and pubs) effective for preventing injuries?
Are interventions to improve clinical incidence reporting effective?
Are interventions to keep people sleeping on their side the best way to treat obstructive sleep apnoea?
Are laboratory-made COVID-19-specific monoclonal antibodies effective to prevent COVID-19 in adults?
Are laboratory-made, COVID-19-specific monoclonal antibodies an effective treatment for COVID-19?
Are laboratory-made, COVID-19-specific monoclonal antibodies an effective treatment for COVID-19?
Are local anaesthetics effective for pain management for first trimester surgical abortion?
Are local opinion leaders effective in promoting best practice of healthcare professionals and improving patient outcomes?
Are medical methods for early termination of pregnancy effective and do they cause unwanted effects?
Are medicines that aim to reduce blood loss during surgery effective in surgeries for trauma of the pelvis, hip, or long bones and do they cause unwanted effects?
Are medicines that block interleukin-1 effective treatments for COVID-19 and do they cause unwanted effects?
Are medicines that block interleukin‐1 (a protein involved in immune responses) effective treatments for COVID‐19 and do they cause unwanted effects?
Are medicines that block interleukin‐6 (a protein involved when the body’s immune system overreacts) effective treatments for COVID‐19 and do they cause unwanted effects?
Are medicines that delay the start of labour (tocolytics) effective for delaying preterm birth?
Are midwife continuity of care models versus other models of care for childbearing women better for women and their babies?
Are midwife continuity of care models versus other models of care for childbearing women better for women and their babies?
Are mixed-speciality (multidisciplinary) teams the best way to help older people recover from hip fracture?
Are mobile health technologies useful for improving walking distance in people with intermittent claudication?
Are newer methods for destroying the lining of the uterus (endometrial ablation) more effective and safer compared to established methods?
Are non-absorbable disaccharides associated with beneficial or harmful effects in people with cirrhosis and hepatic encephalopathy?
Are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) effective for treating symptomatic uncomplicated urinary tract infections in women?
Are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs safe and effective for treating heavy menstrual bleeding?
Are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines known as leukotriene receptor antagonists helpful and safe for eczema?
Are opioids the best choice for managing pain in babies after surgery?
Are oral antibiotics as effective as a combination of injected and oral antibiotics for kidney infections in children?
Are oral blood thinners safe and effective for people being treated for cancer?
Are particular types of colloid solution safer for replacing blood fluids than others?
Are patient outcomes superior after endovascular or open surgical repair of thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms?
Are physiotherapy or ergonomic workplace adjustments helpful in participants with work-related arm, neck or shoulder complaints?
Are population-based interventions (those aimed at entire communities rather than individuals) helpful in preventing falls and fall-related injuries in older people?
Are population-based interventions (those aimed at entire communities rather than individuals) helpful in preventing falls and fall-related injuries in older people?
Are potassium treatments effective for reduce the excess of potassium among people with chronic kidney disease?
Are progestogen treatments effective in preventing miscarriage?
Are psychological therapies effective in reducing depression in older adults living in long-term care?
Are psychological therapies effective in treating depression in patients with COPD?
Are psychological therapies effective in treating depression that did not get better with previous treatment?
Are psychosocial interventions effective for treating depression among people on dialysis?
Are rotavirus vaccines safe and effective in preventing rotavirus diarrhoea in infants and children?
Are school-based programmes aimed at children who are considered at risk of aggressive behaviour, effective in reducing violence?
Are sealants better than more traditional methods at stopping bleeding in connections created between blood vessels during vascular surgery?
Are services organised to deliver care for people with atrial fibrillation (irregular heartbeat) better than usual (routine) care?
Are shorter courses of systemic steroids as effective as conventional longer courses in the treatment of patients with flare-ups of COPD?
Are smoking cessation interventions effective for quitting smoking and reducing disease activity in people with chronic inflammatory joint disease?
Are stage-based interventions more effective than non-stage-based ones in helping smokers to quit?
Are stem cells taken from a person's bone marrow and delivered to their heart a safe and effective treatment following a heart attack?
Are stem cells taken from a person's bone marrow and delivered to their heart a safe and effective treatment following a heart attack?
Are surgical interventions better than no treatment or non-surgical interventions for treating hallux valgus (bunions)?
Are systemic Janus kinase inhibitors an effective treatment for people with COVID-19?
Are telephone or internet check-ups a safe alternative to being seen face-to-face?
Are there any differences in survival between people with low-grade glioma having early compared with delayed radiotherapy at the time of progression?
Are there any drugs which help reduce bleeding after surgery on blood vessels?
Are there any effective interventions to help individuals with depression to quit smoking?
Are there any effective interventions to help individuals with schizophrenia to quit or to reduce smoking?
Are there any smoking cessation programmes that can help adolescents to stop smoking?
Are there any treatments to prevent harm to the remaining leg in people with amputations resulting from disorders of blood vessels?
Are there differences between migrant women and men in how they access, understand, appraise and apply health information?
Are there effective medications for treating depression that does not improve with the first medication used?
Are there effective methods to improve the process of referring patients to specialised care?
Are there good ways to find out if people living with HIV are taking their medicines every day?
Are there ways in which workplace bullying can be prevented?
Are there ways to improve stop-smoking treatment in primary care to help more people to quit smoking?
Are tiotropium plus combination inhalers better than tiotropium or combination inhalers alone for the treatment of COPD?
Are topical and device-based treatments effective in people with fungal infections of the toenails?
Are virtual reality interventions more effective than an alternative or no intervention for the rehabilitation of people with multiple sclerosis?
Area-wide traffic calming (such as introducing road/speed humps) may reduce death and injury from road traffic crashes but more research is needed
Aripiprazole alone or in combination with other drugs for treating the acute mania phase of bipolar disorder
Aripiprazole dose for schizophrenia
Aripiprazole for autism spectrum disorders (ASD)
Aripiprazole for neuroleptic induced hyperprolactinaemia
Aripiprazole for people with schizophrenia whose illness has been partially responsive to clozapine
Aripiprazole for schizophrenia
Aripiprazole versus brexpiprazole for people with schizophrenia
Aripiprazole versus chlorpromazine for people with schizophrenia and schizophrenia-like psychoses
Aripiprazole versus haloperidol for people with schizophrenia and schizophrenia-like psychoses
Aripiprazole versus other atypical antipsychotics
Aripiprazole versus perphenazine for people with schizophrenia and schizophrenia-like psychoses
Aripiprazole versus placebo for schizophrenia
Aripiprazole versus sulpiride for people with schizophrenia and schizophrenia-like psychoses
Aripiprazole versus typical antipsychotic drugs for schizophrenia
Aripiprazole versus ziprasidone for schizophrenia
Arm basis training and arm ability training: two impairment-oriented exercise training techniques for improving arm function after stroke
Arm exercise training for COPD
Aromatase inhibitors for infertility treatment in women with polycystic ovary syndrome
Aromatase inhibitors for infertility treatment in women with polycystic ovary syndrome
Aromatase inhibitors for ovulation induction
Aromatase inhibitors for short stature in male children and adolescents
Aromatase Inhibitors for the adjuvant treatment of breast cancer in postmenopausal women
Aromatase inhibitors for treatment of advanced breast cancer in postmenopausal women
Aromatase inhibitors for women with uterine fibroids
Aromatherapy and massage for symptom relief in people with cancer
Aromatherapy and massage to relieve symptoms in patients with cancer
Aromatherapy for dementia
Aromatherapy for pain management in labour
Aromatherapy for treating postoperative nausea and vomiting
Arsenic trioxide for the treatment of acute promyelocytic leukaemia
Art therapy for schizophrenia or schizophrenia-like illnesses
Artemether injection for treating people with severe malaria
Artemether-lumefantrine (four-dose regimen) for treating uncomplicated malaria
Artemether-lumefantrine (six-dose regimen) for treating uncomplicated malaria
Artemether-lumefantrine for treating uncomplicated falciparum malaria
Artemisinin derivatives for treating severe malaria
Artemisinin drugs for treating uncomplicated malaria are better used in combination therapy
Artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) for treating non-severe malaria due to Plasmodium vivax
Artemisinin-based combination therapy for uncomplicated malaria in children with HIV
Artemisinin-based combination treatments for uncomplicated malaria
Artemisinin-naphthoquine for treating uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria
Artesunate plus mefloquine in areas with low malaria transmission performed better than mefloquine alone for uncomplicated P. falciparum malaria
Artesunate reduces death from severe malaria
Arthrocentesis and lavage for treating temporomandibular joint disorders
Arthrographic distension for adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder)
Arthroplasty versus fusion for single-level cervical degenerative disc disease
Arthroscopic debridement for osteoarthritis of the knee
Arthroscopic surgery for degenerative knee disease
Arthroscopy for temporomandibular disorders
Artichoke leaf extract for treating high cholesterol levels
