Evidence Synthesis Unit Germany / UK

ESU Germany/UK logo

About us:

Welcome to the Cochrane Evidence Synthesis Unit (CESU) Germany / UK - a collaborative initiative dedicated to advancing the field of evidence synthesis. Our unit comprises three sub-units located in Düsseldorf, Cologne, and the UK. Each sub-unit brings together a diverse group of experts specialising in methodological research, clinical practice, and public engagement. Together, we aim to provide comprehensive support for evidence synthesis projects that address pressing health issues.

Our team is committed to fostering an environment of innovation and collaboration to ensure that our work not only meets the highest scientific standards but also has a meaningful impact on public health policy and practice. By leveraging our collective expertise, we are hoping to enhance the quality and accessibility of evidence synthesis in Germany, the UK and beyond.

Experience and expertise:

Our Evidence Synthesis Unit is distinguished by its comprehensive expertise across various topic domains. We have a dedicated team of information specialists based in Düsseldorf and Cologne, who excel in information science and retrieval. Our systematic reviewers bring critical appraisal skills that enhance the rigour of our reviews. Additionally, our methodological experts and partners from Germany, the Netherlands, and the UK all contribute to a diverse methodological foundation, which includes:

  • Prognostic reviews
  • Qualitative and mixed-methods reviews
  • Health economics and economic modelling
  • Consumer involvement/Co-Production
  • Rapid reviews


We are adept at conducting traditional Cochrane reviews, scoping reviews, evidence maps, prognostic reviews, network meta-analyses, rapid reviews and prototype reviews. Our early adoption of new standards and tools such as ROB2 and Screen4me demonstrates our commitment to keeping pace with evolving methods. 

Topic Coverage: 

Our team has produced Cochrane reviews on a wide array of topics related to both communicable and non-communicable diseases. We have collaborated with numerous Cochrane review groups, including Metabolic and Endocrine Disorders, Haematology,  Urology, Gut Health, Breast Cancer, Schizophrenia, Anesthesia and Critical Care, among others. Our sub-units have access to primary care experts and specialised clinicians from various fields who support our review development.

Stakeholder engagement:

We are committed to addressing the evidence synthesis needs of key national and international stakeholders, including the German Government (e.g., Robert Koch Institute), the UK Government (e.g., National Institute for Health Care and Research) and the World Health Organization. Our approach emphasises active engagement with stakeholders throughout the systematic review process. By involving patients, healthcare providers, policymakers, and other relevant parties, we ensure that our reviews tackle meaningful questions and incorporate diverse perspectives.


ESU Germany/UK Team

Upcoming activities /news:

Keep an eye out here for new and activities related to Cochrane Evidence Synthesis Unit Germany.

Düsseldorf Sub-Unit: Standard author training - January 2025

Contact us:

We're interested in making more connections so please get in touch. You can email us by clicking here.

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